Democracy - An Instrument of Tyranny?

Democracy means the people hold the power. Right? Those who look closer will notice a concerning reality. History has shown that all Democracies acted as a steppingstone into Tyranny. Are we about to experience the same transformation?

Democracy - An Instrument of Tyranny?

The roots of Democracy are deeply embedded in the soil of ancient Greece. The Athenian society was the first to experience how their Democracy turned into Tyranny. This historical transformation offers a fascinating lens through which we can examine not only historical governance but also contemporary political structures.

The great thinker and philosopher Plato has concluded that every Democracy inevitably leads to Tyranny. Due to its design, Tyranny is the logical consequence of democratic processes.

The Degeneration Of The State

Plato theorized that Democracy is nothing but a phase within a sequenced degeneration of a state form into Tyranny. This degeneration happens in 4 stages:

Timocracy → Oligarchy Democracy → Tyranny

Understanding each phase of this degeneration is crucial to understand in what situation we find ourselves today.

Stage 1 - Timocracy

A Timocracy is a form of government where the possession of honor or political power is based on the ownership of property, particularly land. Those who possess a certain amount of property are eligible to hold office or vote, thus linking political power directly with wealth, particularly in land ownership.

Stage 2 - Oligarchy

Oligarchy is a form of government where political power is held by a small group of people, typically those who are wealthy, noble, or have significant control over resources. The term comes from the Greek words "oligos" (few) and "arkhein" (to rule), literally meaning "rule by the few".

This system concentrates power in the hands of a select group, leading to governance decisions that often favor the "elite". In an Oligarchy, political power is closely tied to economic power, where those with wealth influence policy, law-making, and governance to protect or enhance their own interests at the expense of the majority.

The few ultra-rich individuals who hold the power over the majority of the population usually act behind the scenes of daily politics, in the shadows where they prefer to stay anonymous. This way, they are less likely to be chased by those who suffer the consequences of the clan-like state architecture that cause extreme poverty for the population whilst creating an immense wealth for the small group of "elites".

Stage 3 - Democracy

Democracy is a term of governance that evolves from Oligarchy. This term suggests to people (more accurately: subjects) that they themselves hold power over their political structure. It is the illusion of having power than an actual political system.

Democracy, from Plato's perspective, is vulnerable to demagoguery and can lead to decisions based on popular appeal rather than wisdom or expertise.

Abraham Lincoln's famous phrase, "Government of the people, by the people, for the people," explains the ideal of democracy. Yet in practice, there's often a disconnect between the populace's will and actual governance.

Experience shows that in significant matters of state organization, the subjects have no say.

Stage 4 - Tyranny

The final stage, Tyranny, refers to the concentration of power in the hands of one (wealthy) person or a very small group of wealthy individuals, the Oligarchs.

It basically is a final power grab by the Oligarchs during the time of Democracy.

In a Tyranny, all branches of government — legislative, executive, and judicial — are fully controlled by the Oligarchs. This power can be inherited, self-appointed, or self-elected by those who already hold the power.

This leads to authoritarian rule where individual rights can be easily overridden for the ruler's benefit.

Tyranny As The Logical Consequence Of Democratic Processes

Our modern Democracy is not really a political system anymore. Especially when we look at the original Democracy the ancient Greek anticipated.

Democracies have degenerated as a stepping stone for the ruling class to lead the society into a system that the ruling class alone have full control over. Under the umbrella of the Democracy, the few wealthy individuals position themselves in such a way that they have the power over policies that benefit the "ruling few" on the expense of the hard-working majority.

At this point, it's worth activating cognitive processes by connecting mind and intellect to compare the statements of Plato with the current Zeitgeist. We must begin to ask questions:

Who and what are these billionaires of the World Economic Forum? And what are their "Young Global Leaders"? Who and what are the self-proclaimed philanthropists? What are these Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and do we really need them? Why does the majority tend to listen to a group of ultra-rich instead of experts in their field?

And most importantly: How healthy is our Democracy?

Too often, people just dismiss any thinking processes and bluntly state:

Democracy is the rule of the people. With my vote, I determine my future. It is best form of government, and we have no alternative...

And my favorite:

If you don't vote, you cannot complain!

It only shows how short sighted people are, completely ignoring the reality that surrounds them. Their believe, and reflex to protect their belief system, is too strong. Hard facts, all amount of evidence will not be able to open the eyes of the masses to the reality that they live in. Can we blame them? After all, their entire life depends on their belief system.

While Democracy is often lauded as the least bad form of government, its vulnerabilities to becoming a vehicle for oligarchic or tyrannical control are evident. The challenge lies in maintaining checks and balances, ensuring that democratic processes genuinely reflect the will of the people, not just the powerful.

Engaging in a discourse that avoids clichés and simplistic arguments could help untangle these complex issues, potentially leading to alternative societal structures that actually serve humanity.

This discussion is not just academic; it's vital for the health and future of democratic governance worldwide.

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